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Sunday, December 11, 2011

Three Simple Elegant Headers Text Effects

This tutorial will explain three different ways to create very simple yet elegant header-style text effects, using only two Layer Styles each time.
The Final Result:
Simple Elegant Headers
* the software used in this tutorial is Adobe Photoshop CS5 Extended
* the size of the final result image is 1024 * 768
* you might want to check the Basix Page to see some useful topics on dealing with Photoshop basics, such as loading palettes and some shortcuts.
old paper texture by ~klimek.
Brush Pack-Horizontal Dividers by ~MouritsaDA-Stock.
Effect 1: Drop Shadow and Gradient Overlay
- The example used is the current TEXTUTS header. The Background color is #f4f2ed, and the text color is #b95886 but you can use any colors you want.

Simple Elegant Header Text Effect step 1
- If you want to add more than one color to the text, you can use the Type Tool to select the characters you want to add a different color to, then click the color box in theCharacter panel (Window -> Character) to choose the color.
Here, the color used is #b4b362.
Simple Elegant Header Text Effect step 1
Simple Elegant Header Text Effect step 1
To achieve the result in the header, I duplicated the text layer first then changed the colors, so that I had two layers, one with the first color and one with the second color, then, I rasterized both layers, and deleted the second half of the layer on the top.
Simple Elegant Header Text Effect step 1
- Double click the text layer to add the Drop Shadow Layer Style. Change the Blend Mode to Normal and the Opacity to 100%, we want to get the color as it is. Then, change the Distance to 2 and the Size to 0. The shadow should look more like a “Stroke” rather than an actual shadow, so it shouldn’t be so far from the text, and it shouldn’t be blurry as well.
Finally, the color should be a bit lighter than the Background color. In this case, it is White (because the Background is very light).
Simple Elegant Header Text Effect step 1
This should create a subtle elegant effect, giving the text some depth.
Simple Elegant Header Text Effect step 1
- You can also go ahead and add a Gradient Overlay, changing the Blend Mode toSoft Light, and the Opacity to something around 20%.
Simple Elegant Header Text Effect step 1
- And that’s pretty much it, super easy yet a really cool effect.
Simple Elegant Header Text Effect step 1
Effect 2: Drop Shadow and Stroke
- The example used is the previous TEXTUTS header (which I’ve got a couple of requests to do a tutorial for :) ). The Background color is #f4f2ed as well, and the text colors are#b95886 and #c8c1b0.
Simple Elegant Header Text Effect step 2
Double click the text layer to apply the Layer Styles:
Drop Shadow: Change the color to #bfb8ae (a couple of shades darker than the Background color), the Distance to 2 and the Size to 2 as well.
Simple Elegant Header Text Effect step 2
Stroke: Change the color to #ffffff (a couple of shades lighter than the Background color), and the Size to 1.
Simple Elegant Header Text Effect step 2
- This effect adds a subtle 3D look to the text.
Simple Elegant Header Text Effect step 2
Effect 2: Drop Shadow and Inner Shadow
- For the last effect, we are going to create a very simple vintage looking poster. So set the Foreground color to #b0b19b and the Background color to #8f9078, then create aRadial Gradient from the center of the document to one of the corners.
Simple Elegant Header Text Effect step 3
- Place the old paper texture image on top of the Background, resize it if needed, and change its Blend Mode to Soft Light.
Simple Elegant Header Text Effect step 3
- Go to Filter -> Noise -> Add Noise, and set the values as shown below:
Simple Elegant Header Text Effect step 3
- Create the text using the color #5d5f42. The font used is Lobster and the Size is 100 px.
Simple Elegant Header Text Effect step 3
Double click the text layer to apply the Layer Styles:
Drop Shadow: Change the Blend Mode to Normal, the Opacity to 100%, the color to#ddd8c2, the Distance to 2 and the Size to 1.
(Note that bigger text sizes might need bigger Layer Styles’ values.)
Simple Elegant Header Text Effect step 3
Inner Shadow: Change the color to #50513b (a darker shade of the text color), theDistance to 1 and the Size to 1.
Simple Elegant Header Text Effect step 3
- This adds a very nice depth to the text, making it look like it’s engraved into the Background.
Simple Elegant Header Text Effect step 3
- Add a new layer on top of the text layer, and change its Blend Mode to Multiply. Set the Foreground color to #b1a77e, and use the Brush Pack-Horizontal Dividers to add some nice decorations.
Simple Elegant Header Text Effect step 3
Again, double click the layer to apply the Layer Styles:
Drop Shadow: Change the Blend Mode to Normal, the Opacity to 100%, the color to#ddd8c2, the Distance to 2 and the Size to 1.
(This is basically the same Drop Shadow applied to the text layer.)
Simple Elegant Header Text Effect step 3
Inner Shadow: Change the color to #635b3a (a darker shade of the brush color), theDistance to 1 and the Size to 1.
Simple Elegant Header Text Effect step 3
- And that’s it! Look how awesome the effect is!
Simple Elegant Header Text Effect step 3
Hope you found the tutorial useful. If you have any more requests please send them through the contact form.
Simple Elegant Headers
copied from

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